BLD Services Customer Spotlight

Syncsite interview with Gordon Marshall


BLD ServicesBLD was incorporated in 2001 by Mr. Brad L. Dutruch as a full-service municipal and public works construction company. Since that time, the company has grown steadily, both internally as well as through acquisitions.

Two main acquisitions in 2008 have fueled BLD’s growth and expansion: D&O Contractors, Inc. (D&O), a well-established general contractor incorporated in 1975; and the Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Lateral Lining Division of Insituform Technologies, Inc (Insituform).

Having acquired the technologies, equipment and personnel of these two companies, BLD significantly expanded the range of services it offers to include all forms of heavy and civil engineering construction for large projects, while also providing a diverse range of specialty services including trenchless rehabilitation of pipes and manholes.

To help BLD Services improve its competitive edge, the company turned to Syncsite and the Infor CRM solution.

Below is our interview with Gordon Marshall, Vice President of Business Development at BLD Services:

O: BLD Services is highly respected in the industry; what do you attribute to that?

A: Since 2001 the company has grown steadily powered by utilizing the most effective, industry proven products and techniques with an adherence to quality and long-term results. Jacob Trapani’s philosophy and actions regarding every client’s happiness is applied even after a warranty period has passed to ensure they are taken care of.

Q: What was the impetus for the move to a CRM tool?

A: We needed drastically to consolidate contacts stored in Outlook among various employees and have one central location for all contacts and leads.

Q: Did you evaluate other CRM options? If so, which ones?

A: Salesforce and Act!.

Q: What departmental challenges had you been facing before implementing Infor CRM?

A: Infor CRM showed us how more internal updates and changes were needed to be made since using a CRM to improve office efficiencies.

Q: What’s the biggest surprise you had once Infor CRM had been up and running?

A: Needing to allocate more time to learning system features with all the various types of employees.

Q: How has BLD’s employees reacted since utilizing Infor CRM?

A: Fought the change at first but eventually started to understand and see the benefits.

Q: How has BLD’s management reacted since utilizing Infor CRM?

A: Pushing for more use of it by employees and satisfied with the results.

Q: How has productivity improved since using Infor CRM?

A: Productivity has improved dramatically by Infor CRM capturing sales calls and leads and creating opportunities that has allowed the support team to follow up faster and more efficiently especially for the reps who are out of the office.

Q: What processes have improved the most since implementing Infor CRM?

A: Getting more responses from prospects and customers because of the system allowing us to be more adaptive and responsive to their needs.

Q: How would you describe your experience working with Syncsite?

A: Exceptional and have enjoyed working with every team member at Syncsite.

Q: What advice would you give another company about implementing Infor CRM?

A: Make sure you put in the time up front determining your specific needs and what you want the CRM to do for the company before you start using it; talk to an existing customer to get their input on how they setup their system because even with all the questions and suggestions from Syncsite, you have to spend time internally really focusing on what you need.

Q: Would you recommend Syncsite to another CRM prospect?

A: Totally and have no complaints at all.

Q: What improvements/enhancements would you like to see from Infor CRM?

A: Would like to have an option to mark what items to send to customers for the holidays.

Fill out the form to request a demo or call Bryan Marks 727.216.8062 to schedule or answer any questions.

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