Vertical Solutions
Your customer relationships are essential to your success. CompoundRM, a turn-key CRM solution specific to Compound Pharmacies, delivers a complete view of customer interactions across your sales, marketing and customer service teams, so they can collaborate effectively and respond promptly and knowledgably to sales opportunities and customer inquiries – both in the office and out in the field.
Transform your business with FrontierLINK and drive new sales and increase customer loyalty.
We have developed an integration between Friedman Frontier ERP system and Infor CRM enabling front office CRM users to operate daily in Infor CRM while aggregating data from all back office systems, including Frontier. This integration offers a 360° view of the customer, allowing anyone in your company the ability to offer a more efficient sales and customer service process and viewed on any device. FrontierLINK is available now and can easily connect your Friedman Frontier ERP to Infor CRM.