Email *
Company Name *
How many total employees do you have?
By department?
Do you have multiple office locations? Yes No N/A
What is your current CRM?
How many users of the CRM system do you envision in total?
What is the role of the users related to your customers and prospects?
Where will the users be located?
How many of them travel or work remotely?
How many Customers do you have?
What is your potential customer universe?
What is your current Back Office Accounting or ERP system (and version if you know it)?
What is the current technology environment with respect to email software, network topology, desktops, laptops and PDA devices?
Who are your Prospects and Customers? Give Examples.
List what you consider to be your products and/or services. Are there any prices associated with them? Please list.
Describe your go to market strategy. Direct Sales, Channel, Distributors, etc.
Do you or other people in your organization deal with one or more contacts at your prospects and customers?
Are your customers related in any way? Parent/Subsidiary? Association or Purchasing Organization?
Where do your leads come from? Are there industry trade shows you attend? Web leads? Telemarketing? Please list.
Are there ways you like to sort and group your customers/prospects? Like by State, Territory, Sales Rep, Product Interest etc. Please List.
Can you list any items you like to track on your accounts that you consider to be related specific to your industry?
Are other people in your organization responsible for sending literature or perhaps making the first qualifying call?
Name your top 2-3 competitors. Can you tell me what you do better than them? Do they offer similar products and services?
Are there any price lists or marketing materials that are currently being updated and distributed to the field? Please list document names.
Do you have any existing marketing campaigns manual or automated that you follow?
Do you send out any form letters or marketing collateral on a regular basis?
Do you have the need for mass email or mail merge campaigns? Yes No Maybe
Do you work in any sort of groups/teams? Please describe.
Do you need to coordinate with other people or resources for doing sales presentations?
Can you list some steps (sales process if you have one) that you follow when soliciting and maintaining accounts?
Describe what opportunity management means to you.
Do you currently forecast opportunities? Do you have pipeline meetings or reports that need to be generated?
Does your sales cycle have the prospect interacting with more than the sales rep at your company?
Is there any Back Office data you would like to see in your CRM system? Like Accounting Info and Sales History?
How many support reps do you have?
How many shifts?
Do they work in specialized areas or just in queue?
Do they typically solve issues on the first call or are they assigned tickets daily and just go through them?
Do they use any sort of information repository to solve customer issues?
Would a searchable knowledgebase help?
Do you have support contracts with your customers?
Do the contracts need to be renewed?
Would it help if sales could see past and pending issues with customers?
What sort of management reports do you need daily, weekly or monthly?
How are these reports compiled and distributed?
Do you have any alert or notification requirements? Example; When a new lead is not followed up on in a certain amount of time would it be helpful if a manager could be notified?
If you have any specific needs/requests that we haven't brought up, please indicate here. Thank you!